Physiology MCQ on Hematology and the circulatory system

Physiology MCQ on Hematology and the circulatory system is available for you for free on Medicalfond with other related mcq on general physiology

1. Normal human blood:

a) is composed of 45% plasma and 55% blood cells.

b) Serum is the part of the plasma left after blood clotting.

c) Plasma albumin concentration is less than globulin concentration in normal conditions,

d) c-albumin can be made in liver and lymphatic tissue.

2. In normal blood:

a) The plasma protein level is 20mg%.

b) Hb contents is about 14-16 gm%.

c) Platelets number is less than neutrophil.

d) The RBCs are biconvex discs under normal physiological conditions.

3. Human plasma albumin (choose incorrect statement):

a) Is freely excreted in urine.

b) Makes a greater contribution to the colloidal osmotic pressure.

c) Behaves as an anion.

d) Is involved in carriage of carbon dioxide in the blood.

4. All about plasma protein are true except:

a) Amount is 7g/100 ml plasma.

b) Share in production of blood viscosity.

c) Are formed only in liver.

d) Can be used by the tissues for their protein metabolism.

5. All are true about function of blood except:

a) Homeostasis.

b) Hemostasis.

c) Adjustment of body temperature.

d) Adjustment of skin pigment,

6. All are true about normal plasma except:

a) Globulins are formed only in the liver.

b) Gamma globulins are the carrier for antibodies.

c) Fibrinogen is responsible for blood viscosity.

d) The amount of albumin is greater than globulin.

7. Plasma proteins:

a) Are formed in bone marrow.

b) Are separated by ultracentrifugation and electrophoresis.

c) Concentration is 15 gm/dl.

d) Represents 60% of buffer power of blood.

8. Red blood cells:

a) Are formed in red bone marrow present in all bones in children.

b) Count is 4000-11000/cmm.

c) Have mitochondria and nucleated.

d) Life span is 200 days.

9. Albumin/globulin ratio:

a) is higher in liver diseases.

b) Increase in conditions of albuminuria.

c) Normally equals 1.2-1.6.

d) Increases in infections.

10. As regard RBCs:

a) Following hemolysis, RBCs release erythropoietin which stimulates the production of more red cells.

b) They are formed in bone cavities of all bones in adults stage.

c) Red cells contain carbonic anhydrase.

d) They are biconcave non nucleated discs.

11. All are true about hemoglobin except:

a) Is the major 02 carrying system in the body.

b) Has a buffer function

c) Percentage is 16 gm% in males.

d) is found both in plasma and RBCs.

12. About hemoglobin:

a) In adults is termed Hb-A which is formed of 2 alpha and 2 gamma polypeptide chains.

b) When carries oxygen, ferrous iron is oxidized to ferric iron.

C) Is a strong buffer system.

d) Concentration is 79 gm/dl.

13. All about RBCs are true except:

a) Are responsible for the major part of blood viscosity.

b) Contain carbonic anhydrase.

C) Pump Nat out.

d) Swell up and burst when present in hypertonic saline.

14. All about erythropoiesis are true except:

a) Vit B12 is absorbed from duodenal mucosa.

b) Iron is absorbed from the duodenum.

c) Hypoxia increases level of erythropoitin.

d) Radiation may cause decrease number of all blood cells.

15. All are true about erythropoietin hormone except:

a) Is secreted by kidney.

b) Decreases during hemorrhage.

c) Is secreted during exposure to high altitude.

d) Is glycoprotein in nature.

16. Vitamin B12:

a) Is a maturating factor for platelet.

b) Stimulates synthesis of DNA of megakaryocyte.

c) Deficiency causes increase in the mean corpuscular volume and diameter.

d) Absorption is neither affected by gastrectomy nor removal of the ileum.

17. Vitamin B12

a) is considered to be intrinsic factor.

b) Deficiency leads to microcytic hypochromic anemia.

c) Absorption occurs mainly in the stomach.

d) Is important for myelinaiton of nerve.

18. All about functions of hemoglobin are true except:

a) Phagocytosis of bacteria.

b) Regulation of pH of blood.

c) Carrying of 02.

d) Helps in carrying Co2.

19. The packed cell volume:

a) Is the percentage number of RBCs.

b) Is normally 55% of total blood volume.

c) Is the volume stored in spleen.

d) Increase on exposure to high altitude.

20. Iron:

a) Is primarily absorbed in terminal part of ileum.

b) Absorption is within upper part of duodenum.

c) Of ferric form is easy absorbed.

d) Deficiency leads to macrocytic hypochromic anemia.

21. Erythropoietin:

a) Is a glycoprotein which helps iron absorption from the intestine.

b) Level in blood decrease in persons living at high altitude.

c) Can be used in treatment of anemia in case of renal failure.

d) Stimulates bone marrow to synthesis more platelets.

22. All are true about patients with anemia except:

a) Low cardiac output

b) Decreased 02 carriage by the blood.

c) Pallor of the mucous membranes.

d) Decreased viscosity of blood.

23. All are true about erythropoiesis except:

a) Needs Vit.B12 which is important for DNA synthesis

b) Is stimulated at high altitude due to c2 deficiency.

c) Is decreased incases of bone marrow depression by irradiation

d) Needs healthy kidney which is responsible for formation of 15% of erythropoitin

24. All are true about hemolytic anemia except:

a) is due to lack of vitamine B12.

b) Occurs in case of deficiency of G6PD.

c) Is Normocytic

d) May be due to extrinsic factors.

25. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate:

a) Is the volume of blood cells in relation to the whole blood volume.

b) Can be used in diagnosis of specific disease.

c) Is a prognostic test.

d) Is decreased in rheumatic fever.

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