Physiology MCQ on Blood and the circulatory system

Physiology MCQ on Blood and the circulatory system is available for you for free on Medicalfond with other related mcq on general physiology


1.     Which one is known as antihemophilic factors B

A Factors VIII

B. Factors IX

C. Factors X

D. Factors XI

2.     Which one is not the mechanism through which unwanted intravascular clot activation is prevented? A. Thrombomodulin

B. Smoothness of the endothelium

C Tissue plasminogen activator


3.     Which activity is Ca independent action?

A. Thrombin conversion of fibrinogen ta fibrin threads

B. Prothrombinase conversion of prothrombin to thrombin

C. Thrombin activation of factor XII

D. Activation of factor X for activating prothrombinase

4.     Which statement is false?

A. The extrinsic pathway occurs more slowly usually requiring several minutes

B. The intrinsic pathway usually begins with the activation of Factor XII

C. In extrinsic pathway, thromboplastin ultimately activates clotting factor X

D. In intrinsic pathway, clotting factor XII eventually activates clotting factor X

5.     If platelets are morphologically more spherical and develop cytoplasmic processes that extend toward nearby platelets, this stage is called?

A Platelet adhesion stage

B. Platelet release reaction stage

C. Platelet aggregation stage

D. Platelet plug stage

6.     If the production of granulocytes. monocytes, platelets, and RBCs are required, which colony factors did you chose of the patient?



C Multi-CSF

D. Interleukins

7.     Which one provides a specific defense mechanism by attacking foreign cells directly and coordination of the immune response?

A. B cells lymphocytes

B. Natural killer cells

C. Free macrophages

D. T cells lymphocytes

8.     By classification which one is the component of monocyte-macrophage system that is formed by a few specialized endothelial cells in the shone marrow, spleen, and lymph nodes?

A. Mobile macrophages

B. Fixed tissue macrophages

C. Reticuloendothelial system

D. Monocyte

9.     From the following blood-forming cells, which one is characterized by very few numbers, mother of all blood cell, capable of self-renewing through duplicating themselves by mitosis?

A. Pluripotent stem cells

B. Multipotential progenitor cells

C. Committed progenitor cells

D. Maturing cells

10.  If mother with blood type A developed saver hemolytic disease of the newborn (erythroblastosisfetalis), which statement is true concerning mother child blood interaction?

A. The pregnancy is the first one with blood type of the child is A

B. The pregnancy is the second one with blood type of the child is B

C. The pregnancy is the third one with blood type of the child is AB

D. The pregnancy is the fourth one with blood type of the child is

11.  Miss K had extensive blood lass during abdominal surgery and unfortunately in that hospital due to lack of laboratory reagent cross match was not done if blood transfusion is must for this because of her surgery, which blood type did you transfuse her without conducting cross match

А. АВ+

B. AB-

C. O+

D. O-

12.  19. What is the normal amount of iron that a woman during moment of menses losses?

A. 0.5 mg of iron daily

B. 0.6 mg of iron daily

C 0.7 mg of iron daily

D. 0.5 mg of iron daily

13.  Which one is incorrect?

A. The adult 1µ of blood contains 4.2-6.3 million RBCS

B. The blood of an average adult has approximately 250 million RBCs

C. There are normally 4000 to 11 000 leukocytes per microliter of human blood

D. Each of circulating blood contains 150.000 - 500,000 platelets

14.  From the following content of blood, which one determines blood viscosity as a second

A. Red blood cells

B. White blood cells

C. Platelets

D. Plasma proteins

15.  From the following alpha and beta globulins that are involved in transportation, testosterone-binding globulin is classified under which category?

A. Apolipoproteins

B. Steroid-binding proteins

C. Metalloproteins

D. Hormone-binding proteins

16.  Buffy coat contains

A. Red blood cells and WBCS

B. White blood cells and platelets

C. Platelets and plasma protein

D. Plasma proteins and water

17.  In a normal standard blood smear analysis, which cell is presented as deep purple or blue color?

A. Basophils

B. Eosinophil’s

C Monocytes

D. Neutrophils

18.  A 22 years old patient was presented to emergency OPD with difficulty of passing feces and flats of two weeks. After a full history and adequate physical examination was done for further investigation the blood of this patient was sent to lab for WBC differential Then after the lab investigation reveals that there is a state of eosinophilia. Therefore the likely problem of this patient is?

A Small bowel obstruction 2 perforated peptic ulcer disease

B. Small bowel obstruction 2" intestinal parasitosis

C. Small bowel obstruction sigmoid vulvus

D. Small bowel obstruction 2 cancer metastasis

19.  A patient with bacterial pneumonia was presented to the health center that you done as physician for treatment. You sent the blood for laboratory. In laboratory of this patient which number of leukocyte will increase mainly?

A Neutrophils

B. Basophils

C. Eosinophil’s

D. Lymphocytes

20.  From the following characteristics of circulating WBCS, which one is the mechanism through which the activated WBC squeeze between adjacent endothelial cells and enter the surrounding tissue?

A. Margination

B. Emigration

C. Opsonization

D: Chemotaxis

21.  Vitamin B12 and folic acid are essential for synthesis of which nucleotide in DNA?

A. Thymine

B. Adenine

C. Cytosine

D. Gunning

22.  Which statement is false concerning to the relationship between erythropoietin and appearance of new RBCs in the circulation

A. After 2 days of the onset of erythropoietin, new RBCs appear in the circulating blood

B. After 3 days of the onset of erythropoietin, new RBCs appear in the circulating blood

C. After 4 days of the onset of erythropoietin, sew RBCs appear in the circulating blood

D. Alter 5 days of the onset erythropoietin now RBCs appear in the circulating blood

23.  Which stages of differentiation of RBC that contains 17% of hemoglobin in its cytoplasm?

A. Proerythroblast

B. Basophile erythroblast

C. Polychromatophil erythroblast

D. Ortochromatic erythroblast

24.  From the following Plasma proteins is the major determinants of viscosity?



C. Platelets

D. Plasma Proteins

25.  A patient with blood type A+ got car accident and for therapy sent to emergency OPD. You were acting as a physician. After you evaluated him, you decided to transfuse blood to this patient. What type of blood do you transfuse to this patient?

C. Blood type A+

D. Blood type O-

C. Blood type O+

D. Blood type AB-

26.  Which one is not not type of hemoglobin?

A.  Hb-A         B.Hh-A2                      C. Hb-F                       D. Hb-S

27.  Which one is called mother of all blood cells?

A. Pluripotential stem cells

B. Multipotential progenitor cells

C. Committed progenitor cells

D. Maturing cells

28.  One of the following protein is not synthesized in liver?

A. Alpha globulin

B Beta globulin

C. Gamma globulins

D. Fibrinogen

29.  Of the following growth inducers, which one is involved in promotion reproduction of virtually all committed stem cells?

A. Erythropoietin

B. Colony stimulating factors

C. Interleukins

D. Stem cell factors

30.  Which one is not the physical characteristic of blood?

A. Its color varies

B. It is less acidic than water

C. It is 5 L in volume

D. Its distribution is equal for all tissues

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