Physiology MCQ 2 on Hematology and the circulatory system

 Physiology MCQ on Hematology and the circulatory system is available for you for free on Medicalfond with other related mcq on general physiology

1.     All are true about blood coagulation except:

a) Factor XII is the initial factor in the extrinsic pathway.

b) Factor VII is used only in the extrinsic factor.

c) Fibrinogen is needed for both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways.

d) Vitamin K deficiency leads to bleeding,

2.      All are true about blood coagulation except:

a) Intrinsic pathway is stimulated by contact of collagen.

b) Intrinsic pathway begins by activation of factor III.

c) Occurs when blood comes in contact with tissue extracts.

d) It's affected in liver disease.

3.     All are true about the serum except:

a) Contains more serotonin than plasma

b) Contains more factor VIT, IT & V than plasma,

c) Is a defibrinated type of plasma.

d) Is the fluid left after blood clotting,

4.     Platelets:

a) Are nucleated cells,

b) Aggregation is stimulated by ADP & thromboxane A2.

c) Are actively phagocytic cells.

d) Deficiency causes thrombocytopathic purpura.

5.     The extrinsic system of clotting:

a) Occurs both in vivo & vitro.

b) The tissue thromboplastin and factor VIII activate factors IX

c) Is triggered by the release of tissue thromboplastin

d) Platelets, Cat and factor V activate factor X.

6.     Hemophilia A:

a) Is due to an abnormal gene on X chromosome.

b) Is due to deficiency of Christmas factor.

c) Is relatively less common than hemophilia B.

d) Bleeding can be stopped by vit. K injection

7.     Hemophilia "Choose incorrect statement":

a) Is sex linked disease carried by female.

b) Type A is due to deficiency of factor VIII. prolonged

c) Is characterized by clotting time.

d) Is characterized by petichae under skin.

8.     Dicumarol:

a) Act in vivo & vitro anticoagulant.

b) Competes with heparin, so it decreases synthesis of factor 2,7,9,10.

c) Is given intravenously.

d) Has slow onset and long duration

9.     All are true about hemostasis except:

a) Occurs mainly if blood vessels are injured.

b) Means stoppage of bleeding.

c) Is helped by serotonin released from platelets which produce vasodilatation

d) is decreased in hemophilia & purpura.



10.  Appropriate treatment for a patient whose blood has an increased tendency to clot includes:

a) Intravenous heparin.

b) Intravenous sodium citrate,

c) Administration of vitamin K agonist.

d) Strict bed rest.

11.  All these factors keep blood in fluid condition except:

a) Antithrombin III inactivates factors IX & X and other factors,

b) Heparin is present in minute amount

c) Liver forms thrombomodulin which lysis any fibrin clot.

d) TPA activates plasminogen to plasmin.

12.  The normal fibrinolytic blood system consists of :

a) Marked elevation of prostacyclin C level.

b) A balance between thromboxan A2 and thrombin.

c) Thrombomodulin thrombin complex system.

d) Balance between fibrinogen and thromboplastinogen.

13.  The fibrinolytic system of blood can be stimulated by:

a) Elevated thromboxane A2 level of blood.

b) Daily oral aspirin.

c) Binding of thrombin with Ca++ calmodulin.

d) Prostaglandins administration,

14.  Heparin:

a) Causes decreased formation of prothrombin by the liver.

b) Has longer duration of action than dicumarol drugs,

c) Helps formation of more leucocyte.

d) Can act both in vivo and in vitro.

15.  Antibodies:

a) Are all proteins.

b) The cellular immunity which is responsible for graft rejection

is produced mainly by T-lymphocyte.

c) Produced mainly by B-lymphocyte.

d) All of the above.

16.  All are true about non-specific immunity except:

a) It's rapid.

b) It is both cellular and humoral.

c) Interferons are proteins released form virus infected cells.

d) Include memory cells.

17.  All about lymphocytes are truc except:

a) All originate form the bone marrow.

b) T-lymphocytes share in rejection phenomenon in tissue transplantation.

c) Are parts of the body defense against cancer.

d) B-lymphocytes are responsible for humoral immunity,

18.  Hemolytic disease of the newly born:

a) May be accompanied by kernictrus due to passage of bile pigments through blood brain barrier.

b) is characterized by severe jaundice which improves immediately after birth.

c) Occurs when Rh-ve male marries Rh+ve female.

d) Has been made rare by treating mothers with anti-D antibodies before first delivery.

19.  All are true about incompatible blood transfusion except:

a) Elevation of histamine level.

b) Decrease K+ level in blood.

c) Kernicterus in babies.

d) Hemoglobinuria followed by anemia.

20.  All are true about blood platelet except:

a) They can release phospholipids which have a role in the clotting process.

b) The bleeding time tends to increase when the platelet count is low.

c) On exposure to collagen they become sticky.

d) A fall in the platelet count prolongs the clotting time before the bleeding time is affected.

21.  The extrinsic and intrinsic pathways for coagulation differ in that:

a) Only the extrinsic pathway occurs in blood inside a test tube.

b) Only the extrinsic pathway requires Cat+ions.

c) The intrinsic pathway proceeds slowly.

d) Only the intrinsic pathway involves prothrombin activation

22.  Kernicterus:

a) Is an Rh incompatibility of newly born child

b) Occurs when serum bilirubin is increased.

c) Leads to precipitation of bilirubin in brain.

d) All of the above.

23.  Bleeding time is prolonged as a consequence of:

a) Decreased number of blood platelets.

b) Transverse cut of bleeding vessel.

c) Deficiency of factor XIII.

d) Heparin injection

24.  Platelets are concerned with secretion of:

a) PAF that hemolyze clot.

b) Thromboxane A2.

C) Erythropoietin hormone.

d) All blood clotting factors.

25.  Intravascular thrombosis may be enhanced by all the following conditions except:

a) Varicosed leg veins.

b) Imbalance in the clotting anticlotting systems.

c) Extensive endothelial damage.

d) Aspirin toxicity.

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