Biochemistry MCQ on Amino acid and Nitrogen Metabolism

 Free Biochemistry MCQ on Amino acid and Nitrogen Metabolism is available for you on medicalfond. 

1.     It is an one of the cell organelle which contain lytic enzymes and used for degradation of macromolecules

A. Mitochondria

B. cell membrane

C. cytosol

D. endoplasmic recticulum

2.     All of the following are physiological buffers except

A. Bicarbonate            B. phosphate   C. amino acid acetic acid       D.HB is an acid

3.     It is a major intracellular buffer

A. Bicarbonate            B. phosphate   C. amino acid D. acetic acid

4.     Metabolic alkalosis is due to

A. a decrease in carbonic acid increase in bicarbonate

C. a decrease in bicarbonate

D. an increase in carbonic acid.

5.     One of the following is negatively charged (acidic ) amino acid

A. lysine          B. arginine      C. histidine     D.glutamate    E. all

6.     If a protein is made up of more than one polypeptide chain it is said to have

A. primary structure

B. Secondary structure

C. tertiary structure

D. quaternary structure

7.     All of the following are true about transamination reaction except one

A. is reversible ,occurs in all the tissues

B. Concentrates nitrogen in glutamate for oxidative deamination that liberates free NH3 for urea synthesis

 C. require PLP (derived from Vit. B6) as coenzyme

D. all aa participate in transamination

E. It diverts excess aa towards energy generation

8.     The removal of amino group from the amino acid as NH3 is termed as

A. transamination

B. deamination

C. Transdeamination

D. oxidation reduction

9.     Glutamate is an inhibitory neurotransmitter

A. True                        B. False

10.  The transporter forms of ammonia from peripheral tissues to liver is/ are

A. glutamate   B. glutamine   C.alanine         D. all

11.  The Linkage between Urea Cycle and Citric Acid Cycle

A. malate        B. oxaloacetate                       C.aspartate      D. fumarate

12.  The end product of protein metabolism is/ are

A. ammonia    B. urea                        C. amino acid D.CO2

13.  A major class of enzyme which concerned with ad of carbon which is an elimination reaction

 A. Transferases

B. Hydrolases

C. Lyases

D. Ligases

14.  The carbon atoms of acetyl-CoA

A. are lost as Co, molecules.

B. are recycled with oxaloacetate.

C play no role in the reaction.

D are donated to succinate dehydrogenase.

15.  Isocitrate dehydrogenase is considered a regulatory enzyme in the citric

A. its activity is inhibited by the presence of citrate.

B. its activity is inhibited by the presence of ADP.

C. its activity is inhibited by the presence of high-energy compounds.

D. its activity is regulated by cofactors produced in the cycle.

16.  Identify the wrong statement about regulation of fatty acids synthesis,

A Citrate increase the rate of fatty acids synthesis

B. Long chain fatty acids decrease rate of fatty acids synthesis

C. Insulin stimulate fatty acids synthesis

D. Glucagon inhibit the rate of fatty acids oxidation

17.  In Citric Acid cycle substrate level phosphorylation occur at steps catalyzed by:

A. Succinate thiokinase

B. Isocitrate dehydrogenase

C. Succinate dehydrogenase

D. a-ketoglutrate dehydrogenase

18.  The citric acid cycle

A. uses eight enzymes and the final product is malate.

B. uses eight enzymes and the final product is oxaloacetate.

C results in the production of 1 ATP molecule.

D. results in the production of 2 ATP molecules

19.  The carbon atoms of acetyl-CoA

A. are lost as CO2 molecules

B. are recycled with oxaloacetate,

C. play no role in the reaction.

D. are donated to succinate dehydrogenase.

20.  The final intermediate product in the citric acid cycle is

A. L-malate

B. Acetyl-CoA.

C. Oxaloacetate.

D. Fumarate

21.  GTP is synthesized in the citic acid cycle

A. in the transformation of succnyl-CoA to succinate.

B. in the transformation of succinate to fumarate.

C. in the transformation of succinate to succinyl-CoA.

D. GTP is not synthesized in the citric acid cycle, 1 molecule of ATPIS

22.  Isocitrate dehydrogenase

A. is activated by high concentrations of ATP and NADH.

B. is activated by high concentrations of ATP and NADPH.

C. is unaffected by high concertations of NADPH.

D. is inhibited by high concentrations of high-energy compounds,

E. None of the above

23.  Glucokinase

A. used by skeletal muscle to initiate glycolysis.

B. is used by the liver and has a low affinity for glucose

C. is used by the liver, and has a high affinity for glucose.

D. is not an isozyme of hexokinase.

24.  The initial investment of ATP required in glycolysis is

A. 4 ATP molecules.

B. 2 ATP molecules.

C. 1 ATP molecule.

D. No ATP is required.

25.  In the pay-off phase of glycolysis, the total number of ATP molecues produced is

A. 1.


D. 6.

26.  Degradation of proteins into carbohydrates

A. requires proteases

B. requires deamination

C is oxidative

D. in some cases created intermediates that feed directly into the TC cycle.

E. All of the above

27.  In the urea cycle, the first amide group to enter the cycle

A. enters as ammonium ion.

B. is activated by attachment of a phosphate from the cleavage of ATP.

C. is provided by aspartate.

D. forms ornithine.

28.  The linkage between urea cycle and krebs cycle is through

A. aspartate

B. fumarate

C. oxaloacetate

D. glutamate

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