MCQ 2 on Physiology of Musculoskeletal system

 Physiology of Musculoskeletal system mcqs, free questions on musculoskeletal system is available for you for free on Medicalfond 

1. From the following nervous system effectors, which one is controlled almost entirely by ANS?

a. Skeletal muscle b. Cardiac muscle   c. Glands      d. Smooth muscles

2. Which one is not the site of cell bodies of preganglionic neurons of autonomic neurons?

a. Cervical spinal cord      b. Midbrain  c. thoracic spinal cord           d. Hindbrain

3. The only area in our body where axons of preganglionic neuron directly innervate is?

a. Adrenal medulla b. Sweat gland        c. Skin piloerectors          d. Most blood vessels

4. The only area where sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system collaborates for common goal is in?

a.     Cardiovascular system

b.    Urinary system

c.     Respiratory system

d.    Reproductive system

5. From the following lists of actions, which one does not describe flight and flight situations?

a.     Increment of cardiac output

b.    Increment of respiratory rate

c.     Increment of blood flow to the skeletal muscle

d.    Increment of blood flow to kidney and liver

6. The sympathetic nervous system that arises from T-11 innervates structures within?

a. The thorax T      b. The abdomen      c. The neck   d. The lower extremities

7. From the following lists, which one is not the characteristic of paravertebral ganglia?

a.     They are found on either side of the vertebral column

b.    They lies anterior to the vertebral column

c.     They are found from the base of the skull to the coccyx

d.    Only some of their ganglia have a name

8. From the following organs, which one is not innervated by sympathetic postganglionic fibers that arise from the collateral ganglia?

a.     Organs of the cardiovascular

b.    Organs of the digestive system below diaphragm

c.     Organs of the urinary system

d.    Organs of the reproductive

9. Why sympathetic nervous system does have cutaneous effectors innervation? Because

a.     It is a component of spinal nerve

b.    Some fibers ascend or descend within the sympathetic trunk

c.     It forms anatomically distinct nerves

d.    It pass outside of the arteries

10. The postganglionic neurons of parasympathetic nervous system that arise from one ganglion innervate?

a.     The constrictor fibers in the iris of the eye

b.    The submandibular and sublingual salivary glands

c.     The parotid salivary gland

d.    The lacrimal and nasal glands

11. Where nicotinic receptor does not found?

a.     In the plasma membrane of dendrites both sympathetic and parasympathetic postganglionic neurons

b.    In the plasma membrane of cell bodies of both sympathetic and parasympathetic postganglionic neurons

c.     In the motor end plate of skeletal muscle at the neuromuscular junction

d.    In the gap junction of cardiac muscle

12. On cells of brown adipose tissue, which type of adrenergic receptor is found?

a. Beta 1       b. Alpha 2    c. Beta 2      D. Beta 3

13. Which cranial nerve is different from the rest?

A. Oculomotor nerve        b. Trigeminal nerve                    c. Abducens nerve     d. Trochlear nerve

 14. Sensation of taste will not be carried by?

a. Facial nerves      b. Vagus nerve        c. Glossopharyngeal nerve            d. Hypoglossal nerve

15. From the following lists which one is correctly matched?

a. The posterior parts of the hypothalamus control the parasympathetic division

b. The lateral parts of the hypothalamus control the parasympathetic division

c. The anterior parts of the hypothalamus control the parasympathetic division

d. The medial parts of the hypothalamus control the sympathetic division

16. Concerning to their innervation which one not dually innervated?

a. The heart           b. The spleen          c. The kidneys        d. The arrector pili muscles

17. From the following lists, which one is not the description of sympathetic nervous stimulation?

a. Salivation           b. Emergency         c. Exercise             d. Excitement

18. From the following cranial nerves, which one is involved in mainly control of chewing movements?

a. Trigeminal nerve           b. Glossopharyngeal nerve          c. Facial nerve d.Vagus nerve

19. From the following cranial nerves, which one is involved in mainly control of muscle of facial expression?

a. Trigeminal nerve           b. Glossopharyngeal nerve          c. Facial nerve d.Vagus nerve

20. From the following cranial nerves, which one is involved in mainly control of a few taste buds in the epiglottis and pharynx and proprioceptors in muscles of the neck and throat?

a. Trigeminal nerve           b. Glossopharyngeal nerve          c. Facial nerve d.Vagus nerve

21. From the following cranial nerves, which one is involved in mainly control of speech and swallowing?

a. Glossopharyngeal nerve                    b. Accessory nerve           c. Vagus nerve        d.Hypoglossal nerve



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