MCQ on Physiology of Musculoskeletal system

Physiology of Musculoskeletal system mcqs, free questions on musculoskeletal system is available for you for free on Medicalfond 

1. why slow fibers are called oxidative?

a.     It has dense capillaries which carries oxygen

b.    It is fatigue resistant and has high endurance so they are best suited from endurance type activities

c.     It cannot develop high tension because their small diameter means they have myofibrils

d.    It contract slowly as a result of its myosin ATPases work slowly

2.    Which one is false concerning thin myosin filament?

a.     The two strands of thin filament are composed of repeating monomers of globular protein G-actin

b.    ADP molecules are the active sites on the myosin filaments with which the cross bridges of the actin filaments interact to cause muscle contraction

c.     The backbone of the thin myofilament is a double stranded F-actin protein molecule

d.    Each tropomyosin molecule extends a distance of seven G-actin monomers along the F-actin groove

3.    All are true concerning thick myofilaments, except?

a.     The form of myosin found in human muscle is myosin-II with two globular heads and a long tail

b.    The light chain of thick myofilament help control the function of the head during muscle contraction

c.     The S1 region of the thick myofilaments is responsible for the enzymatic and chemical activity that results in muscle contraction

d.    The regulatory light chain is necessary for myosin to function and the essential light chain can be phosphorylated during muscle activity and modulates muscle function

4.    Which of the following is not the function of titin?

a.     to keep myosin and actin filaments centered within the sarcomere structure

b.    it may act as an elastic band to keep filaments in an appropriate orientation so that the contractile machinery of the sarcomere will work

c.     it facilitates the structural deterioration of the sarcomere during muscle contraction

d.    it may help to prevent overextension of the sarcomeres and maintain the central location of t he A bands

5.    Concerning rigor mortis or contracture which is untrue?

a.     It is due to depleted ATP and phosphocreatine stores

b.    During this rigor mortis, the muscle becomes extremely rigid and contracted

c.     It occurs after death

d.    Calcium ion concentration within sarcoplasm of muscle fiber increases

6.    Of the following lists, one is odd concerning properties of muscle fibers?

a.     Excitability

b.    Contractility

c.     Extensibility

d.    Flexibility

7.    Which one is correct arrangement concerning the formation of muscle?

a.     A Myofilaments-----myofibrils------muscle fibers------muscle fasciculi-----muscles

b.    Myofibrils------muscle fibers------ muscles ----myofilaments ----muscle fasciculi

c.     Muscle fibers------muscles ----myofibrils------muscle fasciculi-----myofilaments

d.    Muscles ----myofilaments-----muscle fibers------muscle fasciculi---- myofibrils

8.    As stated by sliding filament theory, during muscle contraction which one happened from the following lists?

a.     Distance between Z discs decreases

b.    Length of the A band decreases

c.     Length of the H zone decreases

d.    Length of the I band decreases

9.    Why large amount of energy (ATP) is consumed during muscular performance in skeletal muscle?

a.     To move the head of myosin (power stroke) and to remove the head of myosin from actin

b.    Active Ca’’ pump from sarcoplasm to sarcoplasm

c.      For Na-K'-pump in the membrane

d.    All the above

10. When the receptors bind acetylcholine, non-selective cation channels open and this depolarizes the muscle membrane in the endplate region. This depolarization is called

a.     Excitatory postsynaptic potential or EPSP

b.    Miniature endplate potentials or mepps

c.     Inhibitory postsynaptic potential or IPSP

d.    Endplate potential or EPP

11.  For patient with suspected muscle tone problem the physiotherapists order nerve stimulator in order to assess integrity of the muscle. If the stimulator is set to deliver an increasing frequency of electric shocks automatically, the relaxation time between successive twitches will get shorter and shorter as the strength of contraction increases in amplitude. This effect is

a.     Incomplete tetanus

b.    Summation

c.     Complete tetanus

d.    twitch

12. When you lift a weight by flexing your elbow joint, the force produced by contraction of by your biceps brachii muscle is greater than the force of gravity on the object being lifted. That means the tension produced by the shortening muscle is just greater than the force (load) at each value, causing the muscle to shorten. This type of muscle contraction

a.     Isometric contraction

b.     Isotonic contraction

c.     Concentric contraction

d.    Eccentric contraction

13. From the following lists, which area where multi-unit smooth muscle is not found?

a.     The ciliary muscle of the eye

b.    The iris muscle of the eye

c.     The stomach

d.    The piloerector muscles

14.  Concerning the length-tension relationship of skeletal muscle which one is untrue?

a.     When the sarcomeres are at a length of 2.0 to 2.25 um, there is maximal tension

b.    When the sarcomeres reach a length of about 3.6 um, the muscle produces zero tension

c.     At a sarcomere length of 1.25 um, the muscle produces zero force

d.    None of the above 55.

15. Concerning the intrafusal fibers which one is odd?

a.     Intrafusal fibers contain myofibrils along their entire length

b.    The nuclear bag fibers of intrafusal fibers have their nuclei arranged in a loos aggregate in the central regions of the fibers

c.     The contractile apparatus in case of intrafusal fibers, it is absent from the centre regions of the fiber

d.    The nuclear chain fibers of intrafusal fibers have nuclei arranged in rows in the centre regions of the fibers

16. The skeletal muscle at rest obtain most of their energy from the aerobic respiration of-

a.     Muscle glycogen

b.    Blood glucose

c.     Free fatty acids

d.    Muscle triglycerides

17. From the drugs listed below which one is known by inactive the acetylcholinesterase in the synapses so that it no longer hydrolyzes acetylcholine?

a.     Carbachol

b.    Neostigmine

c.     D-tubocurarine

d.    Methacholine

18. Which one is false concerning smooth muscle?

a.     Instead of Z disk, in smooth muscle bodies thin and thick myofilaments are attached to dense

b.    The ratio of actin to myosin in smooth muscle is 16 to 1

c.      In smooth muscles thin myofilament are relatively short in size when compared with thin myofilaments of skeletal muscle

d.    The arrangement of the contractile apparatus in smooth muscle cells is the one that is required for proper smooth muscle function

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