Biostatistics MCQ for Medical students

 Biostatistics MCQ for Medical students is available for you for free on Medicalfond with other related mcq on biochemistry

1.     A Drug company is testing a new drug which is supposed to reduce blood pressure, from the six people who are used as subjects, it is found that the average drop in blood pressure 1S 2.28 points, with a standard deviation of 0.95 points. What is the 95% CI for the mean change in pressure?

a) (29.83, 34.17) b) (1.28, 3.28) c) (30.35,33.65) d) (20.35, 23.65)

2.     Which one of the following is false?

a) Hypothesis testing is one way of making inference about population parameter, where the investigator has prior notion about the value of the parameter.

b) Statistical hypothesis is statement about the population whose plausibility is to be evaluated on the basis of the sample data.

c) Test statistic is a statistics whose value serves to determine whether to reject or accept the hypothesis to be tested. It is a random variable.

d) None

3.     What is the use of health statistics?

a) Describe the level of community health

b) Diagnose community ills

c) Discover solutions to health problems and find clues for administrative action

d) All

4.     What is characteristic or measure obtained from a sample?

a) Parameter b) sampling frame c) statistic d) sampling

5.     Which one of the following is FALSE about sampling error?

a) It is the discrepancy between the population value & sample value.

b) It is error due to procedure bias.

c) It may arise due to inappropriate sampling techniques applied.

d) a &c

6.     What is the reason behind sampling?

a) Avoid destructive test b) reduced cost c) greater scope d) all

7.     Which one of the following is method of selecting items from a population such that every possible sample of specific size has an equal chance of being selected?

a) - Simple random sampling

b) systematic sampling

c) cluster sampling

d) stratified random sampling

8.     Which of the following is non probability sampling?

a) Judgment sampling b) Convenience sampling c) Quota sampling d) all

9.     If the uric acid values in normal adult males are approximately normally distributed with mean 5.9 mgs & standard deviation 1 mg. what is the probability that sample of size 3 will yield mean greater than 6mgs?

a) 0.17 b) 0.4325 c) 0.5093 d) 0.1112

10.  Which one of the following is the correct sequence of statistical investigation?

a) Population numerical data → sample → analyzed data → inference

b) Sample → population numerical data analyzed data → inference

c) Sample → numerical data → analyzed data → population inference

d) Population sample numerical data analyzed data → inference

11.  The sample mean is an unbiased estimator for the population mean. This means:

a) The sample mean always equals the population mean.

b) The average sample mean, over all possible samples, equals the population mean.

c) The sample mean is always very close to the population mean.

d) The sample mean will only vary a little from the population mean.

e) The sample mean has a normal distribution.

12.  The Central Limit Theorem states that:

a) If n is large then the distribution of the sample can be approximated closely by a normal curve. b) If n is large, and if the population is normal, then the variance of the sample mean must be small. c) If n is large, then the sampling distribution of the sample mean can be approximated closely by a normal curve.

d) If n is large, and if the population is normal, then the sampling distribution of the sample mean can be approximated closely by a normal curve.

e) If n is large, then the variance of the sample

13.  You have measured the systolic blood pressure of a random sample of 25 employees of a company. A 95% CI for the mean systolic blood pressure for the employees is computer to be (122,138), which of the following statements gives a valid interpretation of interval?

a) About 95% of the sample of employees have a systolic blood pressure between and 138.

b) About 95% of the employees in the company have a systolic blood pressure between 122 and 138.

c) If the sampling procedure were repeated many times, then approximately 95% of the resulting CI would contain the mean systolic blood pressure for employees in the company.

d) If the sampling procedure were repeated many times, then approximately 95% of the sample means would be between 122 and 138.

e) The probability that the sample mean falls between 122 and 138 is equal to 0.95.

14.  In an experiment to determine if antibiotics increase the final dressed weight of cattle, the following were measured on each animal in the study. Sex, initial weight, weight gain, grade of meat: Where grade is recorded as (A, B, or C). The scales of measurement of these variables are

a) Nominal, ratio, interval, nominal

b) Nominal, ratio, ratio, nominal

c) Nominal, ratio, ratio, ordinal

d) Ordinal, ratio, ratio, ordinal

e) Ordinal, ratio, ratio, nominal

15.  A study was conducted to measure the effect of smoking upon the birth weight of a baby.

The following variables were measured for each woman in the study. Smoking status (Yes, no), nominal Baby birth weight, APGAR score, Birth date. The sales of these variables are;

a) Nominal, ratio, ratio, ratio

b) Ordinal, ratio, interval, interval

c) Nominal, ratio, ordinal, ratio

d) Nominal, ratio, ordinal, interval

e) Ordinal, ratio, ordinal, ordinal

16.  The typical weight of a rat is about 800g and the weights were rounded to the nearest gram. The number of tumors is around 10. Which of the following is FALSE?

a) Gender is nominal scale; dose is ordinal scale

b) Gender is discrete; weight is continuous

c) Number of tumors is discrete and is ratio scale

d) Dose is ordinal scale and discrete

e) Weight is ratio scale; and number of tumors is discrete

17.  Which of the following is NOT correct about constructing histograms?

a) The approximate number of classes is 1+3.32*log(n).

b) All class intervals should be of equal width.

c) The bars of the histogram are centered over the class mark.

d) The first and the last classes should be open ended to account for extreme points.

e) There should be no spaces between bars.

Say true or false

1. Sampling unit is the ultimate unit to be sampled or elements of the population to be sampled

2. Non probability sampling is a method of sampling in which all elements in the population have a pre-assigned non-zero probability to be included in to the sample.

3. The confidence level is the probability that the value of the parameter falls within the range specified by the confidence interval surrounding the statistic.

4. Statistical Estimation is one way of making inference about the population parameter where the investigator does not have any prior notion about values or characteristics of the population parameter.

5. Alternative hypothesis is the hypothesis to be tested.


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